Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the one thing that i'm missing here

AGH AS results come in tomorrow morning
so, as tradition dictates, a cocktail party must be held to soothe frayed nerves and generally help us forget our fear.
it won't be anywhere near as good as last year though. because last year's was where i met you...

song: joshua radin's beautiful "i'd rather be with you"
picture courtesy of the lovely souvenirs blog


Sunday, August 16, 2009

i can't find my way in

-this song
-banging your knee by falling all the way down the stairs makes pretty bruises. hello chairlift.
-lostprophets = unexpectedly awesome workout music
-not practising for a month makes stiff alzheimery fingers.
-the true meaning of an oxymoron
-my heart...and it hurts.
-that it's not that i can't be without you, it's that i don't want to be. but i'm going to have to be, whether i like it or not, because you don't want to be with me (most of the time). so i'm going to bite my tongue until i can hold you tight and make you forget. i am so, so, so sorry. i know that that word has no meaning. it's probably my least favourite one. but it's the only one i can give you until i can speak to you wordlessly again...
-that none of what i type makes sense anymore

i wish you could be there on wednesday night. i won't be thinking of anything but you (i won't be able to).

i'm off to fall in love with legolas all over again - LOTR trilogy marathon, hells yes.