Friday, April 30, 2010

don't look away anymore

this week's feature: ORIENTAL SOCIETY! (heavyish in terms of expected. click if you want 'em bigger :P)

yep, oriental society. the one club i still take part in at school..ha! well, all we really do is nom oriental goodies and fawn over hot asian guys (for example - THIS guy miura haruma, officially the only asian guy i've ever thought was attractive *dies*) but lately we've been watching weepy films - koizora for example. shed so many tears over that movie...

anyway, we decided to mark our love for o-soc with a yearbook page devoted to the club. and what better way than to camwhore for all we were worth to provide visual material for the page? yeahh, you know i'm right :)

we spent the best part of an hour at lunch taking pics for the page ;) standard

and we brought in cool asian stuff specifically for the photos. i brought a yukata (seen below), inez a mini kimono and a pink wig, jing her awesome sailor schoolgirl uniform!

pictured here with the gorgeous xin nee, who brought her asian loving to the yard with geek accessories - glasses, books, calc etc, cat ears and a soho tee (yep...cause chinatown is in soho...:P)

so the camwhoring began.
one example of a "typically asian pose": the sailor moon pose. "tsukini kawatte oshioki yo!"

sailor moon style:

oriental society style:

yeah inez, you know mine was the most accurate ;) kinda.

inez looks like a sushi chef :P or, y'know. a yakuza :D
then we took the asian loving outside...

in the stark barbican landscape in front of our school, there is very little in terms of nature :P luckily we found a willow tree to express the orientalism nicely!

miaow! finally beginning to get the nekomimi craze...

i made more peace signs than i've probs ever made in my life. AND I WAS PROUD.

poses choreographed by inez while xin took the photos ;)

getting sick of the shameless camwhoring yet? :P

tore some flowers off a bush for this pic. ah well, put it down to artistic licence

haha. despite practically skipping food (noming is very important in the orient!) to do this, we all ended up having a lot of fun. asian girls love nothing better than a good know it! we should have one once a week :)

and the funny/ironic/retarded thing is, we didn't even end up using any of these pics for the yearbook. facebook screwing up made sure of that...GRR! ah well. we made a nice homage to miura haruma instead :D which basically sums us up.

japan IS coming! this is just a little taster of the oriental life ;)

ai <3

p.s. title lyrics come from "don't look away" by joshua radin. randomly been listening to it a lot this week...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

words that would melt in your hands

favourite band this weekend is two door cinema club! i know they're not strictly brand new, but a new term (my LAST term at school - ever :O) calls for new music. try "something good can work" or "undercover martyn", or better yet, listen to the entire album "tourist history" on spotify.

their sound really reminds me of all the lo-fi indie bands who were jostling for space back in summer 2008. already nostalgic?! whatever, it makes me excited for this summer! especially since today is the most beautiful day - last night the sky was full of stars and a fingernail moon, and today there are no clouds, just streeeetches of blue sky. haven't seen a trace of that volcanic ash from the eruption at all! also just wanna say, eyjafjallajokull = best name for a volcano ever!

no idea what we're doing this summer, though. all my friends have organized so far is a daypass (sucky) to a music festival and a potential camping trip, but i'm the WORST camper ever. feeling shards of rock under my head and condensation dripping into my sleeping bag is my worst nightmare. i really want to stay at a villa, but some people aren't keen on! i hate it when we can't reach a compromise. i will have *something* to do this summer at least - booked a 2 week italian course to at least teach me some basics, and then a holiday with my family if they'll have me ;)

maybe i should book another course with a friend. usually i go on piano camps abroad, but i did a cooking crash course last year and really enjoyed it! photography maybe? or another language one - mandarin? (really shouldn't use this blog as my personal thunderstorm/thoughtshower :P)

still being a fool where the last post is concerned. and i take all the blame for that. am in serious serious danger of slipping past the boundary between my happiness and depression again, which is definitely not what i need. so hoping to try and forget all that at least for a couple of months. they're going to be the most stressful ones i've had so far - A2s. i know that in a year i'll just look back and laugh, because these exams will have become so trivial compared to what i'm facing - but right now they feel so important, and i'm suffering from the stress a little...

just got to remember to eat fruit, drink water and sleep lots! the last shouldn't be hard, provided i get over my jetlag (from japan - more on that later :P)

bisous! <3