Thursday, May 6, 2010

give me a word you can keep

today, i voted for the first time ever!

i felt weirdly powerful, even though my vote is one of millions - but i didn't care! it really did feel like a momentous event.
despite my mum excitedly taking a ton of photos of me in the queue at the polling station, holding up my poll card, etc. *blushes* i think she was more excited than me...

it's been a pretty stressful week, for the following reasons...
a) my computer totally died. it breaks my heart to see the screen flailing about, the hard drive completely totalled. ah well, new laptop! a field about which i know NOTHING. going to have to ask for recommendations...
b) french oral - need i say more? actually, i don't want to think about it.
c) the sheer amount of essays i've had on top of my oral work. keep pulling all nighters to try and stay on top of them, but the little buggers just keep popping up...

tonight though, i'll be staying up to watch the channel 4 general election commentary. really, i would vote david mitchell as my prime minister any day...ooh, or david tennant. despite the fact i found out he backs labour...bah.

well, now that my oral's over, it's on to the fun stuff! hope to maybe go see iron man 2 tomorrow, despite its terrible reviews, and dinner with friends - and then some shopping on saturday, to help out a friend ;) yep, this is serious stuff.

started the post-oral celebrations a wee bit early with alex and hannah's party last weekend...
we went to annie's bar in camden (which was surprisingly nice). free drinks, free peanuts, free MASSIVE hunks of cheesy bread - what's not to love? although inez did hit me over the head with one of the hunks and it was like a rock. but anyway, i was out of the house for the first time in ages and so glad to get away from the books...

danced to the latest and greatest from dotsch's iPod...
thanks to therica for the photos, though she ended up breaking her boyfriend's camera in the process :P
the girl in green is my good old friend inez :) we've been friends since the day we first met at interviews for music scholarships back in year 6 - cheesily enough, we told each other we hoped we'd see each other on the first day of year 7 with scholarships, and we did :P

anyway, i was SO glad to have inez with me at the party - mainly because i didn't really know many people, and the friends that WERE there were all coupled up. PDA-a-licious, need i say more? even though she kinda left me at the end of the night for her hand-holding man ;) but it was fine, i knew people by then...

the bathroom was crazy. i mean, seriously. everything was mirrored, and some of the walls were at weird angles to one another - when drunk, this really wasn't the best place to end up...

and the sink was odd too - it was connected to the mens' room, so you could see hands underneath on the other side, but nothing else...and yes, i screamed when a random soapy pair of hands grabbed mine.

next to me there is alex (jess's new boyfriend) and so-chan, with whom i'm DEFINITELY going to finish twilight princess this summer. YES. but only if she refrains from showing me videos of doctors extracting knee tumours...or whatever those gross things were....ew.

last of all, today's song is "halfway gone" from lifehouse's new album "smoke and mirrors". favourite song of the moment is actually foals' "this orient" but i thought the lyrics from lifehouse would go better with the election theme :) the song's pretty good too...

happy voting guys <3