chanson de jack's mannequin
i just broke my lamp. actually smashed it, not something i can fix this time. trying to yank out a bag of coins (i've collected £27 worth of coppers) i succeeded in spilling them everywhere AND sending my lamp to the floor with an almighty crash.
it's been a hectic week, but i've been slacking off today/yesterday/the day before that (hmm). finished french, english and half of hart, which means i've done 2/3 of my exams. so i figured i could relax a little, though i'll have to get back into my work mindset (with revision headband, cereal diet etc) pretty damn soon. tonight i'm going to take a break (oh, because i've been working SO HARD :S) and go see my friends for dinner, which will hopefully snap me out of my enforced social stupor somewhat. i CAN'T WAIT for the summer holidays - less than 2 months to go! ^_^
for me, summer =...
-lying outside watching the clouds twist themselves into animal shapes
-breaking my own record for how many ice lollies i can guzzle down in a day (it's 7)
-having spontaneous waterfights with friends
-the peachy smell of suncream
-falling asleep on the tube, which becomes my own personal sauna
-taking up tennis again (as i do every summer) and trying and failing to serve well. PLUS, wimbledon
-escaping the country via stansted/heathrow/gatwick
-FRUIT! strawberries, cherries, raspberries, OH MY.
i can't wait
i have suggested to myself (yes, becoming a hermit/cavegirl/social outcast means i slowly develop schizophrenia) an hour and a half of ovid before i slope off islingtonside. this will not work. tamsin = procrastinating on a facebook page near you soon. <3