Friday, May 29, 2009

the curse has got a name

that girl needs therapy
she gets it by taking a plethora of photos
in the summersummersummersun.

title from my song of summer 2008 (well, one of them) - toxic girl by kings of convenience
less than a week to go til i am liberated from the chains of revision!
over and out <3

Friday, May 22, 2009

you said you meant it

chanson de jack's mannequin

i just broke my lamp. actually smashed it, not something i can fix this time. trying to yank out a bag of coins (i've collected £27 worth of coppers) i succeeded in spilling them everywhere AND sending my lamp to the floor with an almighty crash.

it's been a hectic week, but i've been slacking off today/yesterday/the day before that (hmm). finished french, english and half of hart, which means i've done 2/3 of my exams. so i figured i could relax a little, though i'll have to get back into my work mindset (with revision headband, cereal diet etc) pretty damn soon. tonight i'm going to take a break (oh, because i've been working SO HARD :S) and go see my friends for dinner, which will hopefully snap me out of my enforced social stupor somewhat. i CAN'T WAIT for the summer holidays - less than 2 months to go! ^_^

for me, summer =...
-lying outside watching the clouds twist themselves into animal shapes
-breaking my own record for how many ice lollies i can guzzle down in a day (it's 7)
-having spontaneous waterfights with friends
-the peachy smell of suncream
-falling asleep on the tube, which becomes my own personal sauna
-taking up tennis again (as i do every summer) and trying and failing to serve well. PLUS, wimbledon
-escaping the country via stansted/heathrow/gatwick
-FRUIT! strawberries, cherries, raspberries, OH MY.

i can't wait

i have suggested to myself (yes, becoming a hermit/cavegirl/social outcast means i slowly develop schizophrenia) an hour and a half of ovid before i slope off islingtonside. this will not work. tamsin = procrastinating on a facebook page near you soon. <3

Sunday, May 10, 2009

now all the fingers of this tree

now all the fingers of this tree (darling) have
hands,and all the hands have people;and
more each particular person is (my love)
alive than every world can understand

and now you are and i am now and we're
a mystery which will never happen again,
a miracle which has never happened before-
and shining this our now must come to then

our then shall be some darkness during which
fingers are without hands;and i have no
you:and all trees are (any more than each
leafless) its silent in forevering snow

-but never fear (my own,my beautiful
my blossoming) for also then's until

e.e cummings knows me better than i know myself...

my head hurts.

Monday, May 4, 2009

i'm always racing against my mind

see above for my fantasy made into a reality...

not much to say about this weekend really..(better than last weekend though)

-i saw a BONA FIDE ninja walking nonchalantly down my street, holding a GINORMOUS bazooka, totally unfazed. proceeded to text everyone in my address book to tell them this vital turn of events, dizzy with excitement. going to put "aspire towards ninjadom" on my ucas, yes sirree.
-i hate my black flipflops for making me look like a tramp
-i went back to cambridge (yes, again) for scones (pron. SKONS) and tea with old city girls.
-legs were required for jumping, dancing
-i discovered that i do indeed possess the asian gene that renders me stupidly drunk after about a centimetre of wine
-a nice waiter taught me that garlic grows underground
-a menu was accidentally set on fire. by me. of course.
-a squirrel stole my oat and pecan flapjack
-i threw a cup of hot chocolate ALL over a tube carriage on the circle line which in my opinion, bolstered my tramp image nicely.

sooo pretty standard really.

that's all for now folks, got serious cramming to do for wednesday :( blog title from "radio christiane" by the virgins. <3