Monday, May 4, 2009

i'm always racing against my mind

see above for my fantasy made into a reality...

not much to say about this weekend really..(better than last weekend though)

-i saw a BONA FIDE ninja walking nonchalantly down my street, holding a GINORMOUS bazooka, totally unfazed. proceeded to text everyone in my address book to tell them this vital turn of events, dizzy with excitement. going to put "aspire towards ninjadom" on my ucas, yes sirree.
-i hate my black flipflops for making me look like a tramp
-i went back to cambridge (yes, again) for scones (pron. SKONS) and tea with old city girls.
-legs were required for jumping, dancing
-i discovered that i do indeed possess the asian gene that renders me stupidly drunk after about a centimetre of wine
-a nice waiter taught me that garlic grows underground
-a menu was accidentally set on fire. by me. of course.
-a squirrel stole my oat and pecan flapjack
-i threw a cup of hot chocolate ALL over a tube carriage on the circle line which in my opinion, bolstered my tramp image nicely.

sooo pretty standard really.

that's all for now folks, got serious cramming to do for wednesday :( blog title from "radio christiane" by the virgins. <3

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