Tuesday, June 30, 2009

you know it all

woah it's been over a month since i last posted?
...how did that happen?

only a couple of hours of june left. that makes me sad. june is my favourite month! summery but not too hot (though the last week has been like a FURNACE, it's been 30º+ for the last few days >_<)
what have i done this month?
–eaten a LOT of random and awesome food (pictures to come). a highlight was the taste of london festival, where i basically got to eat a load of food from michelin-starred restaurants for free. ooh, and haggis and black pudding.
–assumed the identity of a snake and went dancing with my friends the zebra and the tiger. circus? more like zoo..
–made friends with a hare krishna ;)

–done a massive springclean, a little late admittedly, but i can see the walls of my room for the first time in eight years.
–started READING again. inferno, some baudelaire poems, MORE neruda. latest book = the knot of vipers, by francois mauriac, finished yesterday night :)

saw this at cybercandy (sweetshop in covent garden) today. WANT SO MUCH. £4.70 seemed a wee bit too much to pay for cereal though (!), so bought some razzles and sour patch kids for the little sis instead.

i've just realised this is my 3rd cereal packet i've posted on here. (and there's another one coming, in my looming humongous food post). hmm i wonder if cereal fetishes exist? i bet they do. what would that involve exactly? rolling around in frosties naked, maybe? licking coco pops off bare flesh? SIGN ME UP. maybe.

thoughts of the day..
-love for my new sneakers, but i want to collect them in a kaleidoscope of colours, and also buy some new ballet flats and flipflops. SHOES. also, anyone who disputes the awesomeness of jelly shoes clearly had a deprived childhood. GLITTERY PINK JELLIES = <3

-"thus, though we cannot make our sun/stand still, yet we can make him run." i almost cried when we got to study this in class today. absolute love.

-i seem to be spending a lot of time lodged under people's armpits, whether i'm on the tube or not

got 2 days off school - tomorrow for a languages taster course, the day after for an open day. what with everyone off on open days lately, school's been as empty as a sepulchre. and since i have 11 frees a week, or something ridiculous, there's hardly any point in me being in at all. sigh.

oh, and before i forget, post title is from "everything is everything" by phoenix. my goodness i was obsesssed with this song last month. and phoenix in general; i recommend ALL of phoenix's new album - favourite tracks are 1901 and lisztomania. LISTEN TO IT!

sunsunsun, all over our bodies (and lovelovelove) <3

1 comment:

  1. In jokes are great.
    In-insults are just MEAN! :P
