the chorus would be all about exams right now :( revisereviserevise, no time for anything else until the 24th
other things i'm singing about:
recent trip to the ministry of sound for joy's birthday with clemmie, maddy and her boyfriend ludo. to be honest, i really don't remember much about that night...the birthday girl had a LOT of free drink!
after that we had our leavers' dinner for oriental society with my beautiful oriental girlies...and erry :P
hate this photo but xin and erry look*concedes defeat*
a slightly odd evening some might say? we chose a strangely empty restaurant in chinatown, where the crispy duck was pretty good but i didn't really like anything else. we over-ordered by wayyyyy too much, which was probs my fault. the rest of the gang MADE me order, even though i can't speak cantonese or mandarin. two of the others could :P too shy were they? more likely having fun at my expense :D i felt like i was blushing so hard because the waiter kept taking the piss out of what i was saying, and i could hardly understand him so kept saying.."what...? what?!" so embarrassing...
we wanted to go to purikura after, but the place was shut - and all the nearby karaoke bars were so...damn...expensive...ended up wandering the streets of soho contemplating gay clubbing as a last resort
so we went to erry's friend's house, also in soho, to hang out
this excursion can be summed up with the two following attributes, illustrated by my two lovely assistants inez and xin
honey and iron man. nuff said. and no, robert downey jr. is not my man.
squandered a bit more study leave at soph's house - which was basically a couple's night plus tamsin and we decided to be couple-y too! not gonna be beaten!
we played a lot of jess's mariokart on the wii...then the guys took over and played brawl for about three hours. i kid you not. so inez and i baked some pokeball cupcakes :D didnt take any pics...there was no point :P jess and iona's cupcake mix was HEAVY. it sat in my stomach for days after :P but the icing inez and i made was pretty yummy! we used red and white for the pokeball colours and then stuck reese's pieces in the centre for the pokeball clasp thing.
since then i've only been going out locally, did a study session with yuji in the park. i was productive, he wasn't, don't need to say any more :P also went for a waterfight with my old old friend daniel! then walking around queen's park and kilburn discovering random graffiti :)
these foxes are everywhere in queen's park! i love them, want to find the stencil so i can do some of my own...
i've known daniel since i was four, so it's pretty safe to say he's my oldest friend :D
oooh, i got a new laptop too (this was a while back...shows how terrible i am at updating this blog.)
lastly, yummy - and beautiful - malaysian kuih from tawana
sorry about the hurried post (on strict time limits here T_T) - i leave you with a quote that i found touching:
"We lose the people we love because we are meant to love someone else. We lose them because we are destined to find somebody else. It is a simple fact that this is sometimes hard to accept because we are too stubborn to let go of something that doesn't belong to us anymore."
found it on good morning good night, it's anonymous :)
title song = zorbing, by stornoway
and another fun song i've been listening to is "the bright side" by "we shot the moon". it's kinda punky, something corporate-style i guess?
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