Thursday, March 12, 2009

those eyes i can't deny

it's been a while, hasn't it...sorry :( i don't really have an excuse this time, just MAXIMUM laziness

this song was introduced to me by a certain miss lowrie robertson, who i refer to fondly as foxy :) not one, not two but three times she makes me feel alive! i love foxy dearly and can't wait to taste her special chocolate concoction which she's going to brew up for me at katy's next week ^_^ hopefully in a cauldron.

things i've done since i last updated!
-weekend - went to the british museum TWICE (they must think i'm keen) to see shah 'abbas and babylon exhibitions

-bought a mega pack of haribos for oriental society, then went to book club instead and ended up eating them myself. felt the effects for the rest of the day (rampant hyperness, permanent goosebumps, voice a few decibels higher than normal)

-trekked to cls for orchestra after school today (was forced to, was told if i didn't i'd lose my scholarship :S)

-went out shopping to buy stuff for greece and failed epically.

-started watching glengarry glen ross in english, which is the first film i've actually enjoyed in a while

-stepped into a gutter FULL of milk (at least, i hope it was milk). oh, london.

-got permission to go to READING :) now i just need tickets *starts praying*

-discovered atlas sound, beirut and vetiver

-found out that my skin makes lily of the valley smell like cucumbers, thanks to a "nose" named albertino whom i love and fervently wish was my friend

-got randomly given a momiji wish doll from my father, which i have named aiko; it means little loved one in japanese

-started a poetry club at school! well, trying to start one. it's been approved by library committee ^^

-drove a car for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE (that time on the beach in greece does NOT count). i sucked. it wasn't like the go-karts at legoland.

-was initiated into the stumbleupon cult against my better judgment, and am now all-out addicted. aside from discovering that i can read books online now (yes, i'm slow, need to get with the times) and compete with other people...that's right...REAL LIFE fridge magnet wars, here's some SU gems i've come into contact with...
1. the ultimate mario website. YEEEEESSSSSSS (i've already kissed my social life goodbye)
2. the option of sending an email to my future self. chloe did it in wild child SO WHY SHOULDN'T I.
3. i wish i could grow a beard now. no, seriously.
4. WOAH. new party trick anyone? *teaches self*
5. scariest non-elephants ever.

and that's just the tip of the iceberg

alrite better absquatulate, got 3 1/2 essays to do for tomorrow (2 english, 1 hart and an essay plan for latin. THANKS SCHOOL. peace out <3

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