Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i know you hate secrets, but try not to hate me

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like in nausea, which i STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED...the back cover disintegrated on the train today, which was a bit of a cringe and a half >_<. ANYWAY. *cough* LIKE IN NAUSEA... there are little black tides being born in my heart right now. the past few days have been somewhat odd. and i got my AS mocks results back. pah. hah. hahaha. okay, some of them weren't as bad as i expected them to be, and i didn't outright fail comparatively, but i still wasn't happy. cmon tamsin..they're just mocks. just mocks. mooooooocks. *hyperventilates*

also, i stepped out into the road yesterday not looking where i was going. rapture had blinded me. i blame it on the nutrageous bar i'd just taken a sensual bite out of (wow...that reminds me of my immortal, supposedly the worst harry potter fanfic ever written, which had me practically in tears of laughter), and a tesco's delivery van came THIS CLOSE *holds index finger and thumb an infinitesimal distance apart* to running me over. no jokes. so that got the old heart thumping quite a bit. jesus, can't believe it took 8 lines for me to say i nearly became roadkill.

back to the cause of my near-death experience...nutrageous is the best thing i've discovered so far this month, despite it only being the fourth day of march. it's peanuts meshed together with caramel and swathed in creamy chocolate, with YUMYUMYUM peanut butter at the core. nomnomnom

had the BEST astro lesson on monday
no actual astronomy involved, though, aside from the nebulae i tattooed all over my forearm. noooo. instead, my good tomodachi inez and i made up names for our ENVISION group. it's a society whose aim is to raise money for the homeless charity shelter. here's what we came up with...

the good (heh, if you can call them that): chasing pavements, on the road, streetwise, streetlights, the long and winding road, H>
there was no bad. there was only the DOWNRIGHT ugly after that: tierra, can't buy you love, diamond in the rough, tramp camp, no hobo, 'chez nous', tramps o' lean, roadodendron, K.E.R.B (keeping eet real baby), we are one, circle of life, zero to hero, it's a hard knock life, sound of the underground, you are my homease


went to book club today :) discussed dracula (it was put off til after halfterm). i'm happy, because next week we're talking about thérèse raquin, which has got to be one of my favourite books ever. i stayed up 'til 4 am reading it a couple of years ago (this IS significant...back in the days when i hit the sack at 10 on the dot) and oh god, it's creepy in parts. but thérèse raquin is the kind of book you can read from cover to cover in a night, because it's divvied up into nice manageable bitesize chapters. i love zola. after nausea/brave new world/enduring love, i'm going to start the fortune des rougons saga, which will probably take me the rest of my life to complete...

oh god, it's curry for dinner tonight, and my eyes are already watering like crazy. HOT HOT TAMALE. i'm so pathetic <3


  1. this week's forearm tattoos were of barred spiral galaxies :) hot.
