Monday, April 27, 2009

the more i run the more i am convinced

picture and song completely unrelated. i wanted to put up a picture of some blossoms because they're SO STUPIDLY PRETTY, and i'm gutted (YES! finally got to use the word gutted!) that they're on the way out. they made me well up walking through the park today, because the rain had reduced them to piles of mauve gunk. stupid..damn...hormones...grrrr


i cannot properly express my excitement about passion pit's first album, MANNERS (out 19th May). the reeling is the first song i've heard from it (because it's been splashed all over XFM and radio 1) and it's not bad! video's pretty cool too. it doesn't beat better things though, which is my FAVOURITEST SONG EVER from chunk of change. but it is NOT bad. apart from that, only listened to little snippet samples on amazon, and i'm buzzzzzed, like the annoying bluebottle that refused to get out of my room last night. i quite like the sound of eyes as candles and let your love grow tall.

had a busy week and a half - sister came back from paris bearing gifts..SHE KNOWS ME TOO WELL.

she also brought me back a solitary smurf (or "schtroumpf") haribo, which made me love her that little bit more. yummm.

had a haircut. no pictures, because it's not even worth a photo. it's just a bit shorter and more layered. my hair just doesn't like new styles (even though i was down on my KNEES begging the hairdresser to make it look different).

went to cambridge to visit a few colleges - christ's and pembroke. going back again next sunday to have some sort of tea/picnic with old CLSG girls who are now at oxbridge. cam is so lovely in the sun. really wish i'd taken more photos.

the weather lately has been taunting me with glimpses of summer, and i'm wishing upon lots of stars for it to hurry up and be the summer holidays. hoping either to go somewhere in france/italy, maybe to do work experience or look at lots of art, so i can link hart with why i'd like to do mml. or perhaps a rainforest expedition in malaysia, which would be incredible. option 3 is maybe going with parents to turkey, but i'd rather go away with friends this year. that sounds so spoilt. maybe i'm addicted to that school trip feeling, where you wave goodbye to your parents at the airport, get on the plane and just feel so liberated when it soars into the air and you leave your family behind. wanderlust. that's not the right word, nor does it really have anything to do with what i'm saying, but i like it. i often..inject...random words into conversations, just so i have a chance to use them. chthonic.

man, i'd suck at debating

french oral next week. les bras m'en tombent (means i'm stunned, LITERALLY means my arms are falling). HELP. time to go and attempt revision (translation: stumble until my arms actually do fall off).

ooooo and happy world tapir day to everyone <3

Thursday, April 16, 2009

i've reached my limit

and i thought this song was kind of appropriate (still bummed i won't be seeing maximo this summer)

so now, down to business. oh the places i've been etc. FIRST STOP...


got up at the crack of dawn to meet fellow classicists at heathrow terminal 5 (it's SO PRETTY!). some of us got a little overexcited. *cough*. then i pretty much slept all the way to...

athens! an art historian's dream. some serious hart love here. as you see above, the parthenon - a prime example of fluted doric columns, triglyphs, metopes and a frieze (although much of it had been stolen by that scallywag lord elgin, so all the sculptures are sitting in the british museum. happy as clams. maybe.)

the agora. check out the spacing of those bays...*jimps*

the venus pudica at the national archaeological museum. what a tease.

THE BEST LOLLY EVER. (with the exception of maybe "BUM" from france, and twister, which is basically this with added cream...y...stuff). ladies and gentlemen, i give you the rainbow bazooka.

then we drove for six hours to the other side of the country (who came up with THAT idea?) - to OLYMPIA. thanks to multiple listenings (and viewings) of zero to hero, i stayed herculeanly fighting fit despite the MONSTER journey. sort of.

well, i managed to string together an (admittedly quite crap) daisy chain, so i can't have been all that dead.

finally we were allowed to cool off on the coast, in tolon. this was the prettiest hotel, overlooking the sea.

it's not too hard to spot me, is it? alsoalsoalso excuse the poor quality of the images, the teachers didn't know how to use our cameras so practically EVERY group shot is blurred >_<
we got up the next morning at six to watch the sunrise over the sea, which was an epic fail. damn clouds. but it was fun sitting on the balcony wrapped in hotel blankets, watching the sky gradually lighten...*lapses into poetical waxing*

and lastly, mycenae, home of king and general hero agamemnon himself. even though he was a twat for angering clytemnestra by sacrificing iphigenia. STILL A HERO. but that's another set text. anyway, mycenae was particularly breathtaking, because it was high high high up on a hill, surrounded by mountains. but i was grumpy and tired as hell from the sunrise fail that morning, so couldn't really enjoy it fully. hence i hate all pictures of me taken that day.

oh well. it was practically a fifteen-minute sprint from the bottom to the top to the bottom (<_<) of the hill since we were on a TIGHT schedule. then back to athens and HOME!

i had 2 days at home to relax (ish) before MALAYSIA :) :) which i'll save for next time *huff huff*

hope everyone had a great easter with lots of CHOCOLATE! spent my easter sunday falling out of taxi cabs which proceeded to break down, searching for highlighters to graffiti my arms with, and getting EXTREMELY squished in moshes at olympia (the one in london) for bloc party. mercury was brilliant, sat on gig buddy danzel's shoulders for it. and dan's 6"4, so i had THE best view. oh and i love you kele. (he dressed up in a bunny suit specially)

i want a bunny suit. til next time <3

Monday, April 6, 2009

do you miss me like i miss you?


i would just like to apologise (profusely) for the RUDE RUDE RUDE blogging hiatus

i've been away! lots and lots. had a 4-day classics trip to greece and now i'm on HOME TURF i.e malaysia. took me about 10 minutes to get this internet up and running (because it's all in MANDARIN, which i don't understand, so i was quite literally pressing buttons at random :S). i'm in a verrrry sketchy internet cafe at the moment, because it's practically the only place in the town (petaling jaya, just outside of the capital) that i know has internet. the other place is a GANGSTER bar. no jokes. it's how malaysia rolls.

there's also a daily thunderstorm here, at 5 PM on the dot. it's like clockwork. (creepy?) i was woken up by a thunderbolt ( this morning. i say morning, but it was more like 3 PM, cause of the jetlag. malaysia is 8 hours ahead of the UK. oh and a thunderbolt hit our house a couple of nights ago and shorted out the electricity, so the whole house was plunged into darkness. i screamed like a baby. the shaaaaame

but on the bright side
I HAVE SUNDAY READING TICKETS!!! (thank you thank you thank you dan!) kind of glad i'm not doing the weekend gig, because camping is NOT my thing. and that's putting it lightly, duke of edinburgh was one of the most painful experiences of my entire life. anyways, the line up for the sunday is...
bloc party (who i'm going to see next sunday ^_^)
yeah yeah yeahs
vampire weekend
brand new

okay, gotta scoot, my time is running out like hussein bolt on speed. i'll do an obese picture-filled post upon my return to the motherland. selamat tinggal! <3