Thursday, April 16, 2009

i've reached my limit

and i thought this song was kind of appropriate (still bummed i won't be seeing maximo this summer)

so now, down to business. oh the places i've been etc. FIRST STOP...


got up at the crack of dawn to meet fellow classicists at heathrow terminal 5 (it's SO PRETTY!). some of us got a little overexcited. *cough*. then i pretty much slept all the way to...

athens! an art historian's dream. some serious hart love here. as you see above, the parthenon - a prime example of fluted doric columns, triglyphs, metopes and a frieze (although much of it had been stolen by that scallywag lord elgin, so all the sculptures are sitting in the british museum. happy as clams. maybe.)

the agora. check out the spacing of those bays...*jimps*

the venus pudica at the national archaeological museum. what a tease.

THE BEST LOLLY EVER. (with the exception of maybe "BUM" from france, and twister, which is basically this with added cream...y...stuff). ladies and gentlemen, i give you the rainbow bazooka.

then we drove for six hours to the other side of the country (who came up with THAT idea?) - to OLYMPIA. thanks to multiple listenings (and viewings) of zero to hero, i stayed herculeanly fighting fit despite the MONSTER journey. sort of.

well, i managed to string together an (admittedly quite crap) daisy chain, so i can't have been all that dead.

finally we were allowed to cool off on the coast, in tolon. this was the prettiest hotel, overlooking the sea.

it's not too hard to spot me, is it? alsoalsoalso excuse the poor quality of the images, the teachers didn't know how to use our cameras so practically EVERY group shot is blurred >_<
we got up the next morning at six to watch the sunrise over the sea, which was an epic fail. damn clouds. but it was fun sitting on the balcony wrapped in hotel blankets, watching the sky gradually lighten...*lapses into poetical waxing*

and lastly, mycenae, home of king and general hero agamemnon himself. even though he was a twat for angering clytemnestra by sacrificing iphigenia. STILL A HERO. but that's another set text. anyway, mycenae was particularly breathtaking, because it was high high high up on a hill, surrounded by mountains. but i was grumpy and tired as hell from the sunrise fail that morning, so couldn't really enjoy it fully. hence i hate all pictures of me taken that day.

oh well. it was practically a fifteen-minute sprint from the bottom to the top to the bottom (<_<) of the hill since we were on a TIGHT schedule. then back to athens and HOME!

i had 2 days at home to relax (ish) before MALAYSIA :) :) which i'll save for next time *huff huff*

hope everyone had a great easter with lots of CHOCOLATE! spent my easter sunday falling out of taxi cabs which proceeded to break down, searching for highlighters to graffiti my arms with, and getting EXTREMELY squished in moshes at olympia (the one in london) for bloc party. mercury was brilliant, sat on gig buddy danzel's shoulders for it. and dan's 6"4, so i had THE best view. oh and i love you kele. (he dressed up in a bunny suit specially)

i want a bunny suit. til next time <3


  1. I love the shot with the flowers in your hair; and those colorful, twisty popsicles are my favorite this time of year! :)


  2. I'm far taller than 6"4. ¬________¬
