Monday, April 27, 2009

the more i run the more i am convinced

picture and song completely unrelated. i wanted to put up a picture of some blossoms because they're SO STUPIDLY PRETTY, and i'm gutted (YES! finally got to use the word gutted!) that they're on the way out. they made me well up walking through the park today, because the rain had reduced them to piles of mauve gunk. stupid..damn...hormones...grrrr


i cannot properly express my excitement about passion pit's first album, MANNERS (out 19th May). the reeling is the first song i've heard from it (because it's been splashed all over XFM and radio 1) and it's not bad! video's pretty cool too. it doesn't beat better things though, which is my FAVOURITEST SONG EVER from chunk of change. but it is NOT bad. apart from that, only listened to little snippet samples on amazon, and i'm buzzzzzed, like the annoying bluebottle that refused to get out of my room last night. i quite like the sound of eyes as candles and let your love grow tall.

had a busy week and a half - sister came back from paris bearing gifts..SHE KNOWS ME TOO WELL.

she also brought me back a solitary smurf (or "schtroumpf") haribo, which made me love her that little bit more. yummm.

had a haircut. no pictures, because it's not even worth a photo. it's just a bit shorter and more layered. my hair just doesn't like new styles (even though i was down on my KNEES begging the hairdresser to make it look different).

went to cambridge to visit a few colleges - christ's and pembroke. going back again next sunday to have some sort of tea/picnic with old CLSG girls who are now at oxbridge. cam is so lovely in the sun. really wish i'd taken more photos.

the weather lately has been taunting me with glimpses of summer, and i'm wishing upon lots of stars for it to hurry up and be the summer holidays. hoping either to go somewhere in france/italy, maybe to do work experience or look at lots of art, so i can link hart with why i'd like to do mml. or perhaps a rainforest expedition in malaysia, which would be incredible. option 3 is maybe going with parents to turkey, but i'd rather go away with friends this year. that sounds so spoilt. maybe i'm addicted to that school trip feeling, where you wave goodbye to your parents at the airport, get on the plane and just feel so liberated when it soars into the air and you leave your family behind. wanderlust. that's not the right word, nor does it really have anything to do with what i'm saying, but i like it. i often..inject...random words into conversations, just so i have a chance to use them. chthonic.

man, i'd suck at debating

french oral next week. les bras m'en tombent (means i'm stunned, LITERALLY means my arms are falling). HELP. time to go and attempt revision (translation: stumble until my arms actually do fall off).

ooooo and happy world tapir day to everyone <3

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