Tuesday, December 15, 2009

i've been waiting so long to take you home

thoughts of the day

-there is NO way in hell i'm getting a place at cambridge. honestly..i had my interview today, and....ugh. there was so much i wanted to say, but my tongue was like a brick in my mouth and i kept repeating myself. now my brain feels like it's been in the tumbledryer. just wanted to cry afterwards...

-cambridge is fracking cold. so glad for the pollution ensconcing london in a blanket of warm happiness. for once.

-i'm going to paris tomorrow!!! so excited i'm jumping up and down RIGHT NOW. dom is taking me as an 18th birthday surprise :) :) :) hopefully i can forget about today's catastrophe, or at least have my mind taken off it.

-SNOW!!! it's coming! tomorrow, or thursday. sadly i won't be around to witness the cold delights, but it's still exciting.

-i just ruined my eiderdown with red nail varnish...

-they may be cheap and not as posh as melt, rococo or godiva, but I LOVE FERRERO ROCHERS, goddammit. in fact i will eat some now. there.

this is weird. i feel like i should be slaving away for interview (as i have been doing for the last few weeks/months). my mind feels utterly detached. i want to go to the lab this weekend. don't care that it's insanely expensive, i just need to go out and completely forget about everything...

song = "love's a game" by the magic numbers. it's the song i listened to before my first interview today...*flumps down on bed in despair*


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