Monday, January 18, 2010

no one will know that we're gone

happy ridiculously late new year!!

lots of new stuffs in the hiatus since my last post...

firstly, i got into CAMBRIDGE :O frankly stunned after my shocker of an interview, and i'm still waiting for them to tell me they've made a mistake. track hasn't updated yet, so maybe they will *i didn't mean that!*

track updated today actually, but not with my cam offer - an offer for bristol! it's my joint 2nd choice, and a BBB offer *smiles maniacally*, my lowest yet...must not fall victim to temptation of putting minimal work in for exams...MUST NOT!

christmas was really relaxing, lovely actually. as i said i would, i went to paris with dom! and pretty much did the amelie tour of the city. wanna have a couple of photos? course you do.

on the first day we arrived reaaaally early - about eight AM local time i think? stepped out of lamarck-caulaincourt to find our hotel. it wasn't ready for public consumption, so we wandered around the area - which, amazingly, turned out to be montmartre. of course we had to go see sacre-coeur...

there's an amazing view of the city from up on montmartre (martyr's hill/mountain...not such a pretty name after all, huh?), immortalised in amelie <3. the dancing guy seems to like it too..

after breakfast, being true londoners, we went to check out the shops. i was really impressed by the shop displays, so much prettier than selfridges' this year. printemps were my favourite:

then it was back to the hotel for a much-needed nap :) that evening, we headed to the place de la concorde to...well, basically see what we could find really! adventuretime! (top of the post shows the ferris wheel we saw there).

there was a christmas market on, so we walked all the way down the avenue, from concorde to the arc. ended up getting dinner at around midnight, in pigalle - right near the moulin rouge ;)

then the next day, dom was ill - seriously ill. it was actually a lifesaver since i was wiped out from all the adventuring the day before, plus my interview the day before that. so i got to lie in bed all day :D! occasionally reading snippets of children's books to the invalid.

on the third day, he rose again. dom, that is - and we had breakfast in trocadero, on the bank opposite the eiffel tower. after that was more adventuring across the river. it had snowed and i had zerogrip boots, so basically slid down a hill. it wasn't funny. not funny at all. in fact i was screaming all the way down while dom laughed his head off...

but we managed to get there, to the premier tourist spot of france. i know it's a cliché, but it amazes me every time...

(photo taken by me, so it's MINE)

it was bitterly cold - about -5 degrees - and there was a mini snowstorm under the tower. so we headed back along the seine, got on the métro and went to galerie lafayette to buy lots of food. yay! had several mini heart attacks that night however - british airways got all twatty about the snow on the runways and we only just managed to get home on a rescheduled flight (if we'd taken eurostar, we'd have been stranded in the tunnel all night...). then back at heathrow, the bags took 2 1/2 hours to find their way from the aeroplane to the carousel. cue lots of shouting from my mother and the almost instantaneous appearance of the bags (dom's and mine first, of course), sitting guiltily on the carousel :D asian mums do come in handy after all!

today's song is "bicycle" by memory tapes, firstly because it's awesome - has had comparisons from the cure to passion pit - always a good fusion in my opinion - secondly because of the ridiculous number of vélib bikes in paris!

à bientôt! <3

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