i'm poor, but pretty damn happy
basically been maxing out my card in the last few days, booking tickets to warwick for next weekend - trip to see ali and the wazza nightlife :P also, tickets to florence + the machine for hannah jess and i :) hopefully worth it!
listening to: lots of jack's mannequin and owl city, plus this song, by miike snow. when your love is gone, you carry on...
eating: cougar bars. with a wiiiild crunch. and for a pick-me-up, cryogenic cocktails from ice creamist. i wish. OPEN YOUR DAMN SHOP ALREADY!
reading: one flew over the cuckoo's nest <3
watching: just finished glee. wow. and episode one of the new series of skins, which i don't expect much of, after the celluloid atrocity that was series 3 :(
doing: school. the hot chocolate machine is spazzing and making rubbishy silty hot chocolate. the internet is dammmn slow. and i'm supposed to be finishing off a l'avare essay. but i will BEAT THE MAN by planning a jess-tammy excursion to chinatown for this afternoon - purikura and bubble tea time!
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