Friday, January 23, 2009

i've got holes in my new jeans for you

i can't actually remember how i discovered this it here :)

hello friday! you're my favourite day of the week. friday means i get to dump my bag in my room and take the night off, watch some music tv, go out for duck noodles with the fam, catch up on missed eps of gossip girl and heroes, hang out round islington with my friends. tomorrow it's a friend's birthday which means i've got to be in ZONE SIX (outskirts of the city...GRR) at the unearthly hour of 8.30 AM. so i'm going over to a friend's house now so i can get up at 7.30 rather than 6.30 tomorrow to get there, she lives closer to the tube station than i do. cue a night of watching cheesy movies, painting nails, having a good nattaaaaa...sounds good to me. exactly what i need to wind down after this week, it's been hell.

tomorrow we're going to go paintballing ^_^ it'll be my first time, so i'm excited, but it'll probably leave me quiiiite bruised-up. hence the song of the day. hurray! ohh you should probably know, i'm the kinda girl who'll spend most of the session hidden in a bush only shooting my precious paintballs when i'm TOTALLY sure i'll hit someone...i got the GRANNY score in laserquest when i was 11 cause i spent the whole time camped out in the reload area worrying that i was going to get shot. THESE THINGS DON'T CHANGE WITH TIME.

and oh god, what happens if i get shot in the head with a paintball?! yow. <3


  1. Seems like a Cure song, wait... "Close to you" or something...

  2. its from the new ipod nano advert!
