not much has happened since the last update to be honest. i just totally skipped shrove tuesday, i.e day devoted to pancakes (i cheated on them with krispy kremes instead :P). exam week passed by in a blur, with some horrors thrown in such as a last-minute discovery that my hart exams (visual analysis and themes in western art) had been combined and the general nightmare of both latin papers. just glad that it's over...trying to force myself to recognise that they were JUST MOCKS, but my school takes exams so seriously it's hard to relax...
last night i went to see hofesh schechter (hard to get your tongue round, that one) - a modern dance company at camden roundhouse. it was pretty good, with a voice that sounded JUST like the mighty boosh's the moon doing a trippy voiceover about the cosmos and how we're all tiny particles (existentialist BS), but i could hardly see for the first half, the crowds being gigantic and me being a wee lass. my, that was a long sentence. eleanor, iona, katy and i went to get ice cream at marine ices afterwards....just what i needed after a difficult, exam-packed week. eleanor got hazelnut, iona got honey & ginger, katy got melon and i got black cherry yoghurt...mmmm...
meanwhile, i've been rediscovering my inner child gaming freak.

tonight katy, erry, dom and i are going to have another horror movie night round at dom's :) wondering what film to pick...i want a thriller that'll make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. meanwhile, katy is torn between something highly zombie-oriented, a shootout or a sadistic film, saw-style. or TEETH.
i'll be quaking behind a pillow tonight slash squinting at the screen through my fingers. that's right, i'm a HUGE scaredy cat. there. i said it. going to run away now *blushes* <3