Monday, February 2, 2009

feel the heat, oh yeah it burns

i am RIDICULOUSLY excited! and it's all down to this.
there are huge fat flakes falling outside my window, and we've got six inches :D no transport equals no school, so i'm gearing up for what's going to be the MOST epic london snowfight ever ^_^

yeah...experimenting with a new illustrator brushstroke. and this SOTD probably makes for the most oxymoronic blog title ever given the insanely adverse weather conditions, but whatever. listen to/watch around the bend here. it's so 80's it hurts.

i'm not saying trains are just for boys - but if i WERE a boy (cue beyoncé in my head for the rest of the day..hurray...) i'd probably be a TOTAL railway geek. i love trains and walking along old disused railway tracks. really really want to go on the orient express and the shinkansen. i went on the maglev train in shanghai, where magnets are used to suspend the train and whizz it along (apparently, maglev trains can go up to 4000 mph) and got a bizarre thrill out of it. yeah. i think the trainspotting society is missing a member. ME.

had an interesting weekend...most of it spent studying. arrived at a friend's house at half past seven on sunday morning post-party to discover dom cocooned in a duvet. he was TOTALLY passed out from jailbreak (he and his partner got to turin ^_^). so i basically crashed the morning after..nice! another friend cooked me bacon and eggs for breakfast. mmm! there's nothing like a fryup. we went home and spent the day lazing around, half-watching the jungle book. sort of. anyway, the snow screwed with the tubes, so after dropping dom off at king's x my dad picked me up. we had to walk through a blizzard to get to the car...crazy stuff!

MAJOR EXCITEMENT. back to bed for a couple of hours, then up for SNOW WARS. THERE WILL BE BLOOD. <3

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