Friday, February 6, 2009

freedom is mine

ok, so i was feeling good (this is a lovely cover, by the way), until i saw the letter pinned to the fridge...
WHAT?! i'm not allowed out at lunchtimes for the next week (goodbye pret, goodbye eat, goodbye generic eateries that crop up on every street of the square mile). it's all my fault, of course. i'm being punished because i've been late four times this term. in my defence, twice was because of snow delays (ha)...but NNNGH. now i'm actually going to have to make an effort in the mornings and obey my alarm clock when it starts squawking at me at 6.50. yup...a mere five hours after i hit the sack. (OOH...SLEEP DEPRIVATION = FAINTS! hmm...the pieces of the puzzle are slowly slotting into place. i'll get there in the end.) if i don't come into school on tiptop punctual form, i get put on 'early morning report' - where i have to get up at the crack of dawn to be in school by 8.30. oh, the days when i used to WAIT AROUND OUTSIDE school, bouncing up and down, longing for the gates to open at 7.50...

so yeah! anyway, the snow was great :) i love how it reduces EVERYONE to the mental age of about six! i made a snow pingu out of crystalline water with little sis. the garden was gorgeous under its 8-inch thick blanket of snow.

and in other news, i'm trying and failing to make plans for tomorrow night. (i.e...tonight...crap) currently the plan is to go to a silent iPod rave at liverpool st. station at 7pm. something i've always wanted to do, so i'm excited ^_^

we STILL haven't got our mocks timetables *mutters* incompetent teachers. so far i've only found out my poetry exam time (two weeks on monday) so i'm doing serious revision for that. i have plath poetry spilling out of my eyes. have a snippet from "tulips"...

the walls, also, seem to be warming themselves.
the tulips should be behind bars like dangerous animals;
and i am aware of my heart; it opens and closes
its bowl of red blooms out of sheer love of me.
the water i taste is warm and salt, like the sea,
and comes from a country far away as health.

good night my lovelies, hope you enjoyed the snow. supposedly, there's more on the way <3