lately, my mother's gone a little crazy buying jewellery.
she was ADDICTED to ebay last month, i'm not even kidding - she was glued to the laptop all night, sometimes staying up til 4 am to make sure she won her bids...and every weekend was a market weekend. (yep, she was at portobello today as well)
the end result? a bedroom FULL of trinkets and gewgaws...
anyway. it's ridiculous. she spends all her spare time nowadays getting thrills out of fixing necklaces and the like with surgical instruments (she's a doctor :S).
today i helped her make this...

i made myself a chorizo omelette today and ate it with buttery toast. ANOTHER mission (i thought impossible) accomplished. i love food. suck at cooking. this is only rung one on the culinary ladder, but i am GOING TO GET THERE SOMEDAY.
although...i only cooked the omelette because we'd run out of cereal :'( but shhh that's not the point. i need activities to distract myself, since everyone's out at synergy tonight *cries* i stayed in telling myself i NEEDED to work but i've just found myself on questionable content instead. 576 comics to read 'til i get to the latest post. so it is productive, sort of.
comichopping here i come <3
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