-marks the start of french week...shamelessly promoting for mfl society wooHOO, dont je suis follement amoureuse >.<
-all my nails are painted a different colour. pink, acid green, turquoise, sky blue, purple, silver, coral, red, grass green, baby blue...let's just say i had a LOT of free time (on my hands :P) yesterday.
-i love magic stars more than anything else in the world. best chocolate ever. bags baby star.
-i've decided to save up to buy coloured contacts (violet or green...mm)
-i'm quickly brushing up on my dracula knowledge for wednesday's book club.
-i sprinted home in the rain. it was kind of cool because it was totally quiet; there was NO ONE else out but me (because dammit, it was pouring) and a bedraggled black cat who ran alongside me for a couple of minutes. typical me, i accidentally ran straight through a GINORMOUS puddle, and now my trainers are soaked. they're drying next to a radiator now.
oh yeah, the silent rave was mental...15 minutes of complete MADNESS
check out the guy who stripped!!
bisous à tous <3
Interesting blog and I agree with you that emotions can not be defined in words.